
You are here: Home | Yap Losses-July 15, 1944 | 2nd Lt. Diederich
13th Air Force, 372nd Bombardment Squadron, 307th Bombardment Group
2nd Lt. Anthony Diederich, Jr.
| Anthony Francis Diederich was the first born son of Sophia Rose Greisen and Anthony Joseph Diederich. Known to the family as "Junior", he was born April 14, 1921, on a farm near Lindsay, Nebraska. His grandfather Mathais had immigrated from Germany in 1877 and homesteaded land in nearby Saint Bernard, Nebraska. Junior experienced the rigors of farm life doing yard chores and working in the fields. He attended a one-room country school with one teacher for eight grades.
Junior's Mother, a strong advocate for education, ensured that he attended high school in a nearby town and then on to business college. After two years, he moved to Waterloo, Iowa seeking employment. When foreign conflict piqued his interest, he joined the Army Air Corps and became a pilot of the B24 Liberator aircraft. 2nd Lt. Diederich was based in the Admiralty Islands in the South Pacific at the time of presumed death as a result of a midair collision near Yap Island on July 15, 1944. He was 23 years old.
The surviving nine children heard about their sibling, 2nd Lt. Diederich, all their lives. The inscription on a marker between his parents' graves in Saint Bonaventure Cemetery in Columbus, Nebraska, begins with the words: "IN MEMORY OF OUR SON...". On the reverse of the marker are the names of all 14 children of this farm family".
Information and pictures on this page was supplied by Paul and Nancy Diederich. Paul is the youngest brother of 2nd Lt. Diederich. Please submit additioanl information and pictures to: pat@missingaircrew.com
2nd Lt. Diederich Pictures: |
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2nd Lt. Diederich Documents: |
Jan 1943-Jan 1945 History of 13th AirForce-pg 1
Jan 1943-Jan 1945 History of 13th AirForce-pg 2
Jan 1943-Jan 1945 History of 13th AirForce-pg 3
Jan 1943-Jan 1945 History of 13th AirForce-pg 4
25June1943, Diploma 311th Army Air Force Flying Training Detachment,Parks Air College of Illinois/Announcement of Graduation Ceremony for Pilots on 3 Nov 1943.
19 Oct 1931, Baptismal Certificate, Holy Family Church, Lindsay, NE, showing date of birth & baptism.
2nd Lt. Diederich's Birth Certificate
Anthony Diederich's 1938 graduation certificate from Platte Center High School in Nebraska--Cover
Anthony Diederich's 1938 graduation certificate from Platte Center High School in Nebraska
5 Sep 1938 Scholarship to St. Paul Business College/Certificate of Accreditment, Platte Center HS.
15 Feb1945, ltr fm HQ307BBGP Chaplin informing father of a Memorial Service held on 13 Feb 1945 remembering those who died & those MIA in line of duty in the South Pacific.
15Feb 1945, Memorial Service Program Cover.
15 Feb 1945 Memorial Service Agenda.
2 Mar 1945, ltr fm AG,War Dept, to father informing him that 2nd Lt. Diederich's status of MIA remains unchanged.
5 Mar 1945, ltr fm Army Service Forces, Kansas City Quartermaster Depot, Army Effects Bureau, to father informing that 2nd Lt. Diederich's personal effects is being forwarded to the family.
30 Mar 1946, ltr fm AG, War Dept, informing parents of a "presumption of death" findings as a result of investigations since the midair collisionon 15 July 1944.
3 April 1945, ltr fM AG, War Dept, informing father that no information has been rec'd fm International Red Cross that son's name is on POW list. Thus, his status remains MIA.
13 May 1943, Personal ltr fm 2nd Lt. Diederich to younger sister, Sister Carol, a nun - pg 1.
13 May 1943, Pers. ltr fm 2nd Lt. Diederich to Sister Carol - pg 2.
13 July 1944, Pers. ltr fm 2nd Lt Diederich to older sister, Sister Antonita, a nun, written 2 days before midair collision - pg 1.
13 July1944, Pers. ltr fm 2nd Lt. Diederich to Sister Antonita - pg 2.
pdf 16 July 1945,ltr fm AG ofc, War Dept. informing father that 2nd Lt. Diederich's official status continues as MIA.
31 July 1945, ltr fm Army Service Forces, KCQM Dept, Army Effects Bureau, informing father that all property of 2nd Lt. Diederich had been forwarded.
pdf 11 Sep 1944, ltr fm CO, 372 Bombardment Squadron, 307 BBGP to father informing him that 2nd Lt. Diederich was MIA.
6 Nov 1944, ltr fm AG, War Dept,no favorable additional info rec'd as to status of 2nd Lt. Diederich.
17 Nov 1944, ltr fm HQ Army Air Corps, Washington, providing list of names of crew serving w/2nd Lt. Diederich, pg 1.
17 Nov 1944, List of names of 2nd Lt Diederich's crew, inclosure to ltr fm HQ Army Air Corps, pg 2.
1 Dec 1944, ltr fm HQ Army Air Corps assuring father that 2nd Lt. Diederich's name is not on reports of casualties or POW lists fm International Red Cross.
1 Dec 1944, ltr fm HQ Army Air Corps, pg 2.
4 Dec 1944, ltr fm Army Services Forces, Ofc of Fiscal Director, Army War Bond Ofc, informing father that his ltr of inquiry regarding Savings Bonds has been fwd to Fiscal Director, Ofc of Special Settlement Accounts, NYC.
28 July 1944, newsclip fm The Columbus (Nebraska) Daily Telegram
reporting on status of 3 Platte County servicemen.
6 June 1945, Information Circular Concerning Recovery of Personal Effects, pg 1.
6 June 1945, Info Cir. Concerning Recovery of Pers.Effects, pg 2.
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