
You are here: Home | American Planes Lost on Yap | 13 August 1944
The following UDT men from the Submarine Burrfish were lost on 13 August 1944 on a mission to Yap Island. I would greatly appreciate anyone's help to locate additional information regarding the information listed below.Submit additional information, updates, newpaper articles, pictures, and supporting documents to: pat@missingaircrew.com
19 November 2007 Update: Declassified ULTRA (American code breaking code name) documents prove that the three UDT men were taken from Yap and sent on a Japanese Special sub-chaser URUPPU MARU on 2 September 1944 at Palau for transfer via Davao to Manila. < READ MORE ABOUT THIS UPDATE >
Captured on Yap Island and sent to Palau by Japanese submarine hunter No. 27 (Kisemaru) at 4:30 pm on 23 August 1944. Japanese Navy received the POW's in Palau. Howard Livingston Roeder (WO, USN), John C. MacMahon (CPO, USN) and Robert Armstrong Black (First Class Petty Officer) were placed aboard Special sub-chaser URUPPU MARU on 2 September 1944 at Palau for transfer via Davao to Manila. The ultimate fate of the three UDT men is still unknown. I have not been able to find out if the Special sub-chaser URUPPU MARU was sunk or if it made it all the back to Japan with the POW's. The Japanese cruiser KINU with Sgt. Reynold B. Mooney and Sgt. Hilary Gilbert from the 307th Bomb group was sunk near Manila an American submarine.
MIA/KIA STATUS: The following information was provided by the Navy and Marine causality offices:
MI |
L |
6801060 |
Missing |
C |
SPA1 |
4027186 |
Missing |
A |
Jr. |
QM1 |
8114404 |
Missing |
In August 1944, during a reconnaissance sortie on the Island of Yap, two operational swimmers and a Navy Chief were captured and executed. Visit the USS Burrfish Reconnaissance web page to view additional details including recently declassified reports to the Commander of Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet. READ MORE
More information at the following links
American Battle Monuments Commission Information:
Howard L. Roeder
Gunner's Mate, Chief, U.S. Navy
Service # 6801060
United States Naval Reserve
Entered the Service from: California
Missing in Action or Buried at Sea
Tablets of the Missing at Manila American Cemetery
Manila, Philippines
Awards: Silver Star, Purple Heart
American Battle Monuments Commission Information:
John C. MacMahon
Physical Instructor, First Class, U.S. Navy
Service # 4027186
United States Naval Reserve
Entered the Service from: Connecticut
Missing in Action or Buried at Sea
Tablets of the Missing at Manila American Cemetery
Manila, Philippines
American Battle Monuments Commission Information:
Robert A. Black, Jr.
Quartermaster, First Class, U.S. Navy
Service # 8114404
United States Naval Reserve
Entered the Service from: New Jersey
Missing in Action or Buried at Sea
Tablets of the Missing at Manila American Cemetery
Manila, Philippines
Awards: Silver Star, Purple Heart
Information shared by the town of Ellington, CT about John C. MacMahon: |
The following information was shared by the town of Ellington, CT about John C. MacMahon
Specialist 1st Class John Churchill MacMahon, US Navy, SN 4027186
Killed in Action, WW II, 2 September 1944
Son of Raymond D. and Augusta MacMahon, Crystal Lake, R.F.D No. 2, Rockville. Husband of Caroline Yvonne MacMahon, 6306 Franklin Ave., Hollywood, 28, California.
He was born August 16, 1915 in Tarrytown, NY, and enlisted in the Naval Reserve in New York City on July 16, 1943.
He was taken prisoner by the Japanese on August 19, 1944 at Yap, and was last heard of on September 2, 1944 at Palau, where he was placed on a ship bound for Manila.
Listing of men from Ellington, CT killed or missing from WWII including John MacMahon
Picture of John MacMahon
Ellington, CT marker for John MacMahon. Click on the image to view a larger image.
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US Navy UDT-SEAL Museum |
Justin Taylan from
PacificWrecks.org visited the US Navy UDT-SEAL Museum Fort Pierce, Florida on January 10, 2012. He shared the following pictures of the memorial to the three UDT men captured on Yap Island on August 13, 1944. You can visit the US Navy UDT-SEAL Museum website and Facebook page at the following links:
Source: Justin Taylan from
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Declassified ULTRA Documents: |
The following information was located by Mark Swank. Mark Swank lives in the Washington, D.C. area and is currently employed with Northrop Grumman IT as a Senior IT Database Consultant at the Defense Intelligence Agency. He currently supports both the MissingAirCrew (www.missingaircrew.com) and BentProp (www.bentprop.org) Projects to research, locate and repatriate MIAs from World War II through his research at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
Declassified ULTRA Documents Provided Anwsers about Fate of UDT Men Captured on Yap
The fate of the three UDT Men from the Submarine USS Burrfish who were captured on Yap will not be solved on Yap. We now have proof that the men were captured on Yap and transported to Palau and then to Manila and possible Japan in one of the ships called a "Hellship" by allied POW's. The following PDF document contains former top secret documents from the US archives that have now been declassified. The documents show that the American top secret code breaking program titled ULTRA intercepted messages sent from the Japanese base on Palau to Truk and then Palau to Monado. The messages state that the men were captured on 19 August 1944 therefore; it's likely the men were able to hide from the Japanese for six days. They were originally listed as missing on 13 August 1944 by the USS Burrfish.
The following information is found within the messages that were intercepted:
Page 1:
- Sgt. Reynold B. Mooney and Sgt. Hilary Gilbert from the Anthony Crew (307th Bomb Group) shot down over Yap on August 10, 1944 were transferred from Yap to Palau and then put aboard the Japanese cruiser KINU on 19 August 1944 at Palau for transfer to Manila via Cebu.
- That Howard Livingston Roeder (WO, USN), John C. MacMahon (CPO, USN) and Robert Armstrong Black (First Class Petty Officer) were placed aboard Special sub-chaser URUPPU MARU on 2 September 1944 at Palau for transfer via Davao to Manila.
Page 2:
- The three men (Roeder, MacMahon and Black) were taken prisoner under a gun emplacement at Tomil on Yap Island.
- The three men are all seamen, Second Class.
- They were not part of the submarine crew but members of the 5th Naval Combat Demolition Party which is stationed at Maui Island in Hawaii.
- They left Hawaii on August 4 by submarine and headed for Yap Island by direct route via Midway Island.
- They returned after completing the reconnaissance. However, they lost sight of the submarine. They arrived at the Saiyuu____ Lighthouse at dusk and were captured while hiding.
- Besides reconnoitering the ____ unit they blew up the high part of the reef (it took 10 minutes for the operation).
Page 3:
- Additional details from their interrogation by the Japanese.
The ultimate fate of the three UDT men is still unknown. I have not been able to find out if the Special sub-chaser URUPPU MARU was sunk or if it made it all the back to Japan with the POW's. The Japanese cruiser KINU with Sgt. Reynold B. Mooney and Sgt. Hilary Gilbert from the 307th Bomb group was sunk near Manila an American submarine.
Please submit additional information.
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Excerpt From the book, The Naked Warriors : The Elite Fighting Force That Became The Navy Seals : |
UDT men on messdecks of USS Burrfish after Pelilu,WWIIL-R: Leonard Barnhill, John MacMahon (KIA), LT M.R. Massey, Bill Moore and Warren Christensen. Picture Source: http://www.mividaloca.biz/photoalbum.htm
Peleliu - Portal to the Philippines
The extra trip, along with this three UDT teammates Warren Christensen, Leonard Barnhill, and William Moore. MacMahon anchored the rubber boat while Lieutenant Massey and the three UDT men, masked and grease-camouflaged, swam onto the reef and back. They discovered that discolored patches shown in air photos were only sea grass instead of reeds which would strand a landing craft.
Two nights later, on August 18, the Burrfish surfaced again two miles off the strongly guarded east shore of Yap. It was Roeder's turn again. He had Chief Ball and Carpenter of Waipio, and UDT men Robert Black and John MacMahon (making his third successive swim). They paddled within a quarter mile of shore and found a barrier reef just below the surface. Fearing the breakers might carry the boat ashore, they dropped the hook and left the best navigator, Chief Ball, aboard. The four started for shore. Fifteen minutes later, Black brought Carpenter back to the boat - the sea was too rough for a man without UDT swim training. Black rejoined MacMahon and Chief Roeder, swimming toward the island. There were barricades on the Tobaru islet reef, palm-log cribs full of rock linked with wire. Lights moved along the shore.
Time passed without any sign of the swimmers returning through the breakers. Ball and Carpenter became worried, and finally decided to hoist anchor and search for the swimmers. They made a sweep along the reef, but there was not sign of the three swimmers. Time had run out and they had to return to the submarine, hoping against hope that the others had swum straight out to the Burrfish. No such luck.
The submarine searched close inshore until dawn forced it to dive and move farther to sea. The next morning the Burrfish patrolled under water off the reef in another vain search. It surfaced twelve miles away, while Jap radar searched in its direction. The three surviving UDT men pleaded with the commander to let them go back to the barrier reef that night, being sure the lost men would try to make it after dark; but the sea had grown rougher, and the commander made the hard decision that having alerted the Japs and lost three men, he did not want to make it six. The Burrfish gave up the missing men and left for its next mission.
The three swimmers had indeed tried to come back to the reef against wind and breakers. Perhaps, carried off course, they could not find their rubber boat, and finally had to turn back to shore. Three grease-covered men in swim trunks, armed only with sheath knives, hid all day on the small island teeming with enemies. They tried the reef again the next night, but there was no boat there to make the rendezvous. Exhausted, they tried to hide again. Months later a captured Japanese document revealed the following:
ANNANSAKI 22 August 1944
Special Report GOTTO Unit
Intelligence Office (JOKOSHITSU)
On the 20th we seized 3 American prisoners at the TOBARU Battery on Yap. They belong to the FIFTH Demolition Unit. These men were transported by submarines. They jumped into the sea at points several miles distant from shore and by swimming reached the reefs off Tobaru Island, Leng and Lebinau. When they tried to return they lost sight of their submarine and swam back to the sea coast. They were captured while hiding. In view of this situation we must keep a strict watch especially in regard to infiltration of these various patrols and spies from submarines.
In view of the case, every lookout, whether it be might or day, shall carefully watch the nearby coast line, and if he observes any examples of the above, shall report it immediately without fail. He should without hesitation emulate the above captures. We are confident there is safety in this manner.
The report and the three prisoners were sent to Peleliu, with more detailed information about the "Bakuhatai" - demolition unit. The ruthless interrogators had learned that demolition units had four "LVPs" with sixteen men per boat, dynamite and electric igniters, to open underwater passages through the reefs. It was reported that each man could swim over ten miles, and that they only operated from submarines; the exact instructions of Commander Koehler who states, "I still recall the strange feeling I had when I read that CincPac Intercept of the Jap message."
On September 2, Roeder, MacMahon, and Black were placed aboard a Japanese sub-chaser for transfer to Davao and Manila in the Philippines. Nothing more was ever heard of them. Whether the ship was sunk, or they were killed or died on board or in a prison camp, nobody knows. They were not among the liberated prisoners when the Philippines were freed. Nothing is known except that they gave their lives for their country. They were posthumously awarded the Silver Star.
Their luckier mates returned to Hawaii in December. Moore, Barnhill, and Christensen joined the Maui training staff (their Team Ten was already in Hollandia, New Guinea, preparing for its fourth beach mission.) The three survivors were also awarded the Silver Star and the right to wear the submarine insignia.
The information gleaned from their night forays had gone immediately by the Burrfish's radio to Pearl Harbor, being added to the air and periscope pictures of the landing beaches.
Peleliu and its neighbor Angaur, and the more distant island complex of Yap, were heavily defended by underwater obstacles.
One group of UDTs joined the convoys heading for the Palau Islands, Peleliu and Angaur. The other group were already at sea heading for Yap when the radio reported a life-saving change of plans. A Philippine guerrilla report via a rescued Navy pilot had stated Japanese defenses were light, and the high command approved bypassing and isolating Yap. The four teams scheduled for Yap were rerouted at sea to the Admiralties, to prepare for the duly advanced date of the Philippine invasion.
There was no reprieve for Teams Six, Seven, and "Able"
Source: The Naked Warriors : The Elite Fighting Force That Became The Navy Seals by Francis D. Fane
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From the book, Purple Heart (Seals: The Warrior Breed, Book 2) : |
LVPs, whatever the hell those are supposed to be. I tell you, Forsythe, when I gave you guys that send-off speech I never really figured anyone would actually be able to feed them false information. It was sure spooky when I saw the copy of that message, let me tell you."
"Sounds like Red Schroeder was in rare form that day, sir," Forsythe said with a grudging smile of his own. He was turn between pain and pride. Chapman was right about their chances for survival; POWs in Japanese hands died in droves in unsanitary camps with inadequate rations and cruel workloads. But Schroeder - those tall tales the Japs had believed must have come from him - Schroeder had handled his captors with the same combination of guts and humor he'd shown every day Forsythe had known the man.
"It hasn't been the same around here since he left," Chapman said quietly. "The three of them have been put in for Silver Stars. I hope they don't turn out to be posthumous. The rest of your team's up for the same awards. Yourself included, Lieutenant."
"Sir … er, thank you, sir." Forsythe swallowed. He didn't want the medal. His instant reaction was an angry feeling that it wasn't fair to Schroeder, White, and O'Leary if the whole recon team got the same recognition. It cheapened the honor those three men deserved to be shown. The brass didn't seem to understand, sometimes, that handing out medals indiscriminately was a damned poor policy. It was individual achievement that they should have been recognizing…
"No thanks necessary, Lieutenant. You and your team went up against some pretty good odds, and you did your jobs well. The preliminary survey off Peleliu was some damned fine work."
"I suppose so, sir." His tone was neutral.
"Sounds like you don't agree, Lieutenant. What do you know about the op that I don't?"
Forsythe hesitated, then abandoned caution and plunged ahead. "Only this, sir. I think we could have for Yap…that was bad luck, pure and simple. House adds catch up with the best gamblers, Lieutenant, and we all knew that this mission was on high-stakes gamble."
"If you say so, sir," Forsythe responded, keeping his voice flat and level.
"Your report's been read by every level of brass from here to the Pentagon and back, and on one's suggested you could have done anything different. Chief Schroeder and the others missed their rendezvous and were captured-"
"I wish I could be sure of that, sir" Forsythe interrupted. "I mean, there's just something about not knowing what happened to Red that makes my gut churn every time I think about it."
"Oh, we know they were captured, Lieutenant. We intercepted Jap radio traffic and confirmed it. Three American swimmers were captured on the beach at Yap on August twentieth. So that much is sure."
"Do we know anything else, sir? About where they are now?"
Chapman shrugged. "Presumably they would have been sent to a POW camp somewhere. There's no way to be sure. And anything could happen in the meantime. POW life is no picnic. We do know they were questioned pretty thoroughly on Yap…and we know they didn't crack."
Chapman actually smiled. "More intercepted Jap messages. We picked up a detailed summary of what the command on Yap had learned of American UDT operations. They call us the Bakuhatai, which is Japanese for Demolition Unit. According to their information, each of our teams is equipped with four submarines called LVPs which deploy swimmers ten miles away from an objective and let them swim the rest of the way in. The Japs are now busy taking extra precautions against future infiltrations by our dreaded swimmers, but I don't think they'll accomplish much if they're out there looking for
Source: Purple Heart (Seals: The Warrior Breed, Book 2) by H. Jay Riker
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US reconnaissance of Yap in August of 1944: |
Three Marine frogmen
UDT-10 and the USS Burfish SS-312 performed reconnaissance on the Islands of Peleliu and Yap in August of 1944. This was the first time Navy special forces deployed from a submarine. Indecision on the part of Navy high command created a need for more information on the two islands in order to determine which of the two was more suitable for invasion. Peleliu was scouted successfully on August 9. On the 16th, Yap was scouted, also successfully. On the 18th Gagil Tomil was scouted and a barrier reef was immediately found. Leaving the boat and one member behind, four members swam ahead, although one later returned, unable to handle the strong currents sweepingg the reef. The three remaining members were never seen alive again, and intercepted communications later indicated they had been captured by the Japanese troops manning the island. No record of them was ever found and it is thought they were put on a boat back to Japan that was subsequently torpedoed by an unknowing American submarine.
(After the war it was learned they were captured and executed after being
Due to the information this team gathered, the island of Yap was deemed too costly and was bypassed; without reinforcements the Japanese garrison on the island withered until the end of the war
Still looking over old records on a server in japan from 30th Special Base Force HQ station commander IJN Palau, and Lieutenant-General Sadae Inoue, IJA Command.
Sadae Inoue, is on recard for war crimes
Source: Leondus Hutchison
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From the book, History of United States Naval Operations in World War II: June 1944-January 1945: The Palaus and Ulithi: |
This was not corrected by the reconnaissance of Peleliu and Angaur by eleven UDT "frogmen" under Lieutenant C. E. Kirkpatrick, because they were interested only in the beaches. Departing Midway Island 15 July in submarine Burrfish, Lieutenant Commander W. B. Perkins, this team arrived off Peleliu on the 27th and cruised about the Palaus, taking photographs for over two weeks. On the night of 13 August, in the dark of the moon, Kirkpatrick's party went ashore in two rubber boats, landed on one of the beaches subsequently used in the assault, and observed its characteristics. After delivering data and photographs to submarine Balao for quick delivery at Pearl Harbor, Burrfish reconnoitered Yap; four men of the UDT who went ashore there never returned.
Source: History of United States Naval Operations in World War II: June 1944-January 1945: The Palaus and Ulithi.
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From: U.S. Army Special Operations Command Web Site: |
Operational Swimmer Group I was placed on temporary duty with the US Navy in the Central Pacific. Providing the nucleus for an Underwater Demolition Team, the unit cleared the way for the amphibious landings at Peleliu, Anguar, Ulithi, Zambales and Luzon. Five operational swimmers from Group I served with a Special Reconnaissance Detachment, reconnoitering islands in the Western Carolinas for the 3d Amphibious Force. In August 1944, during a reconnaissance sortie on the Island of Yap, two operational swimmers and a Navy Chief were captured and executed.
Source: http://www.soc.mil
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Declassified U.S.S. Burrfish Report: |
The following report is dated 24 August 1944 from the Commanding Officer pf the USS Burrfish to the Commander of Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet. The report details the reconnaissance of Yap and Palue Islands and the loss of three UDT men on 19 August 1944.
Source: Mark Swank
Mark Swank lives in the Washington, D.C. area and is currently employed with Northrop Grumman IT as a Senior IT Database Consultant at the Defense Intelligence Agency. He currently supports both the MissingAirCrew (www.missingaircrew.com) and BentProp (www.bentprop.org) Projects to research, locate and repatriate MIAs from World War II through his research at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
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The Peleliu Case: |
The Peleliu Case demonstrates the zeal that defense counsel brought to U. S.
war crimes trials.7 In 1949 Lieutenant General Sadae Inoue, commander of the Palau Islands group, and his chief of staff, Colonel Tokuchi Tada, were tried for the execution of three U. S. POWs on the island of Peleliu. General Inoue admitted ordering the executions. Colonel Tada's defense was that he had argued against these executions and had treated American POWs humanely in the past. His defense counsel, U. S. Navy Reserve Commander Martin Carlson, managed to find an American journalist, Gwen Dew Buchanan, who had been a POW of the Japanese in Hong Kong when Colonel Tada was stationed there. She wrote of Colonel Tada's humane acts toward POWs in Hong Kong; Colonel Tada was released.
Source: Leondus Hutchison
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American SOPA Interviews with Japanese: |
The following information was gathered by American's interviewing Japanese on Yap after the war had ended. The interviews took place during the fall of 1945 and early 1946. Click on the image to view the complete report:
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