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Sgt. Gilbert C. Romero
Sgt. Gilbert C. Romero
Sgt. Gilbert C. Romero
Original Member of the Coleman Crew

March 2022:

We continue to find little pieces of history to help us remember the Coleman crew. The granddaughter of Sgt. Gilbert C. Romero sent me this picture of him, S/Sgt. James R., Jr. Lykens (Ass't Engineer) and T/Sgt. Robert P. Wagoner (Engineer). The three men were part of the original Coleman crew that was put together in Pueblo, CO in November 1943. Although we do not have a lot of details about the location or the timing of this picture, it was likely taken between November 1943 and February 1944 in the states before the crew shipped out to the Pacific. For some reason, Sgt. Romero was replaced in the Pacific and he ended up surviving the war while T/Sgt. Wagoner and S/Sgt. Lykens went down with the Coleman B-24 crew over Yap on June 25, 1944.

Comparing Original Coleman Crew Members vs. Crew Members Shot Down on June 25, 1944 over Yap Island:

The Coleman Crew—Missing Air Crew Report (MACR) #10023:

I’m sure other photos and documents regarding the Coleman crew are still waiting to be discovered and shared. As we continue to search for the plane, it’s so interesting to continue to find pieces of the history. Left to right: Lykens, Romero, Wagoner.

James R., Jr. Lykens

Coleman Crew

Sgt. Gilbert C. Romero

Sgt. Gilbert C. Romero

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